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Is removable paint for cars better than wrapping?

By, 2019-11-11

Car peelable paint


Car wrapping is the art of covering cars using vinyl to quickly change the color of a car or draw certain drawings on it quickly. One of the advantages of packaging with vinyl is that the original paint of the car is not touched and is not affected by packaging.


Car wrapping is very common in taxis and branded company cars because it protects the original color of the car and therefore the car is more valuable when sold again.


As for the packaging and wrapping problems, the wrapped car does not show all the small and fine details. The biggest problem is when the wrapping is removed, the car paint can be badly damaged if the one who removes the wraps is not experienced enough.


To avoid packaging problems, some other companies, such as Dipyourcar peel-able paint, have made a different type of paint, one that is said to be peelable, autoflex, or deep plastic. You can paint your car with any of these types and then simply remove it when you want it just like you would with vinyl. However, unlike vinyl, it does not need a highly skilled person to put it on the car or take it off.


(Very easy to peel)


Car paint with removable paint is a new technology available in the market in Qatar. This type of paint protects the car from the damage of the use of the executioner, and this paint depends on spraying the car with rubber material and not a gummy material. Change the color of the car with this technique does not require removing any part of it.


The process of wrapping cars with this new technology of paint will not be affected by the heat or while driving at high speeds, and it is difficult for any ordinary person to remove this paint, which avoids any stranger to create problems to sabotage the color of the car.


Hyper Shift Pearl

(The latest colors on trend)


The latest colors that can be applied using this method and these paints is called HyperShift Pearl, which is a pearl color that changes its color amazingly. However, the person in the video warns that this color is too expensive and is one of the most expensive in the market.


If you want a color that is unmatched in the world, maybe Hyper Shift Pearl will suit you a lot.


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