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Watch .. Tesla Model 3 parking on its own

By, 2017-11-26

Tesla Model 3


It seems that the owners of Tesla model 3 will not be able to enjoy driving their cars any time soon, as the company postponed the launch of the car for the third time after announcing the financial report for the third quarter of this year. The new date, as announced by Tesla will be the beginning of 2018.


The misleading delivery date for Model 3 did not stop the popularity of the car from spreading. A recent video published on the internet showing the ability of the car to self-parking itself had lots of hits on Youtube.



The video does not exceed 36 seconds and it shows the ability of the car to park in a tight space by its own. But this is not the first time a car has done the same. In 2003, Toyota added an electronic system at a pilot Corolla version to enable the car to self-park itself. Since then, several car manufacturers have similarly built the same system in pilot versions, including Volkswagen with its Golf and Ford with its Focus .


However, this does not prevent us from applauding the excellent technologies of Tesla Model 3, especially the semi self-driven technologies.


It is worth mentioning that 30 Tesla employees have received the Model 3 car early this year to test and share their opinions about the company’s new car. Since the unveiling of the car about two years ago, Tesla has registered half a million purchase orders. Yet, not of these orders are from Qatar as Tesla has not yet entered the market in Qatar.



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