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5 ways to destroy your Transmission

By, 2018-04-01


What many people do not know is that the automatic transmission is very different in composition from conventional transmitters. Its design has facilitated driving and provided a suitable and comfortable driving system. But some may misuse the transmission which may cost a lot of money to fix it. So, What are the practices that cause damage to the transmission? and what are the signs of transmission damage?


Mistakes that cause transmission damage


1- Using P mode before stopping the car

This is one of the most common mistakes in the use of the transmission. When changing the transmission mode to P makes the transmission plays the role of brakes which in turn causes many problems in the transmission gears. To avoid this, you must use the brakes to ensure that the vehicle is completely stopped and then change the transmission mode to P.


2- changing speeds without returning to N mode

Some people change the speed of the transmission in order to change the direction of the car either forward or backward without returning to the N mode. This method destroys the internal gears of the transmission, so you have to stop the car first and put the transmission to the position N then move the car in the direction you want.


3- Using N mode while waiting on traffic

 Some believe that the use of this mode decreases fuel consumption of the car engine, but the truth is not. The correct mode for the traffic is the D mode, which preserves and does not pressure the gears of the transmission.


4- Using N mode on downhill

Sometimes drivers rely on the car to drive on the slopes, using the transmission N mode to save fuel consumption. This position frees the engine from the transmission and thus releases the car tires from the transmission control.


5- operating car engine on N mode

The operation of the engine in this position creates friction between the engine and transmission, causing damage to the transmission in the long term. Therefore, it is preferable to start the engine in D mode.


signs telling you that the transmission is about to breakdown


1- Changing speed  hardly

It is known that the automatic transmission is found to facilitate the process of driving and moving between speeds, but if you have difficulty in moving between speeds this is a sign of a trouble in the transmission.


2- Changing speed automatically

If this happened with you while driving and the transmission position changed, this indicates a trouble with the transmission gearbox.


3- Oil leakage

There may be a relationship between the oil of the transmission oil and the difficulty of moving between the speeds. If you experience this problem, it can also be a sign of a defect in the transmission gears.


4- Acceleration weakness

If you faced a difficulty or a delay in responding when you want to move or increase the speed of the car, it is a sign that the transmission has a trouble and need to be fixed.


Read More: What Happens when you run your car's Engine Without Oil?



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